domingo, 9 de marzo de 2008

Kalawalla Vs Psoriasis


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There are several types of Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Most will only vary in the degree or extent it affects the Central Nervous System (CNS). The most frequent type of MS is Relapsing MS. People with Relapsing MS will experience periods of relapses followed by complete or partial recoveries. This type of MS affects 85% of all MS patients. 50% of these patients will eventually experience progressive MS with or without periods of recovery. There are other types of more aggressive, progressive MS which affects the other 15% of the MS patients. Multiple Sclerosis

Most researchers will agree that MS is an auto-immune disorder . Your immune system attacks your CNS, specifically, a fatty tissue of the CNS called myelin. Sometimes, in most severe cases the nerve fibers themselves will be affected, and not only the myelin.

Myelin helps nerve cells conduct electrical impulses and operate properly. The damage to the myelin causes the CNS to operate improperly and thus, the various MS symptoms, which include bladder and bowel dysfunction, cognitive dysfunction, vision problems, fatigue, walking difficulty, pain, numbness, dizziness, swallowing disorders, tremors and other symptoms.

Researchers have yet to agree as to what causes MS. Some will say it is genetic, some will point out to environmental triggers. But what is for sure is that MS is an auto -immune disorder.

While most types of treatments only treat MS symptoms, others suppress the immune system, to try to avoid its attack over the CNS. Kalawalla is an alternative treatment that goes directly to the heart of the problem. It regulates the immune system without the need of suppressing it.

Dermatitis or eczema is a terribly itchy skin condition that affects people who come from families with a history of suffering from hay fever and asthma. Thickened itchy skin occurs on the front of the elbows, back of the knees and on the cheeks, but the rash can occur anywhere on the skin. The most likely cause is an overactive immune system. When a germ gets into your body, you produce an antibody that kills that germ. As soon as the germ is gone, your body stops making antibodies.

In Dermatitis, the body keeps on making antibodies that end up in the skin to cause terrible itching. Antibodies are produced in response to infection and allergies, such as to pollen from ragweed, trees, grasses and foods.

Dermatitis affects 10% of all children. Some patients suffer all their lives never being able to overcome the disease. Dermatitis can be linked to an immune system imbalance. Kalawalla (Polypodium leucotomos 50:1 standardized extract) can help regulate the immune system bringing it to its healthiest, strongest levels. Results can be seen within the first month of taking the product.

Polypodium leucotomos extract has been known to increase the lymphocyte levels. It is also known to regulate the CD4/CD8 ratios to their normal values. Europeans have used Polypodium leucotomos extract for over 10 years with surprising results in Dermatitis

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