miércoles, 27 de febrero de 2008

Forum Technologies


Business Presentation

Have you ever wondered why over 13 million people are involved with Network Marketing, why they love it and why they have so much fun, freedom and financial independence? Timing is everything and the time for you may be now.

Network Marketers know there are two kinds of people in this world. The first are folks who will spend their whole life building someone else's business hoping they will someday have enough money to retire. The second are those who spend 5-10 years building their network marketing business so that they can retire. Get the picture?

More good news! You can control your own destiny. We, at Forum Technologies International believe life should be lived to the fullest by accomplishing your dreams and spending your time the way you want to spend it now and when you retire. With Forum you can do just that. You will have the freedom to take control of your future. You are your boss, you make the rules, you choose your hours and it is up to you to make it happen.

Your opportunity with Forum Tech is unparalleled in the industry.

To quote Paul Zane Pilzer, author of the book "The Next Millionaires":

"We will witness a millionaire population explosion over the next ten years that will create 10 million new millionaires in the US alone!"

"If you are the one to tell them about the new technology you stand to make a fortune."

"Home-based business entrepreneurs will be among the richest in our new economy."

How many people work at home? We can't say exactly but:
  • According to IDC, a top national research firm, there are between 34.3 million and 36.6 million home office households in the United States alone.
  • Nationwide, the number of home-based businesses may range from 18 million to 38 million, depending on who is doing the counting. U.S. Census figures. (Pittsburgh Business Times)

Reports from many sources over the last 5 years indicate that families with home based businesses make substantially more money than employees. A survey conducted by IDC indicated that the average income for home office households was $63,000 in 2002. Now that number is undoubtedly higher.

Yes, literally millions of people are working at home, are self employed and are making more money than the average employee. The number of home based businesses is growing rapidly and will continue to grow over the next few years."
(Portion Excerpt above is from article "Do People Make A Living With Home Based Businesses?" by Marl Atkins)

Forum offers you one of the most lucrative compensation plans in the industry with high tech products that help our environment and that makes a dramatic difference in your family's and others health. Let Forum Tech introduce you to a proven process that you might want to give serious consideration to your future financial freedom. Forum offers an easy, low-risk plan with very modest start-up costs, designed to make you money and ensure a better life. Let Forum Tech provide your path to health and wealth.

"The Internet has created financial freedom for millions of individuals who see the opportunities and were willing to take action.

Here are 4 Trends that will greatly benefit Online Network Marketers:

Trend #1: The Exponential Growth of the Internet.
These are some of the results from a research report by eTForecasts: The number of Internet users surpassed 530 million in 2001 and will continue to grow STRONGLY in the next five years.

By the end of 2005 the number of worldwide Internet users will double to 1.12 BILLION. This is staggering! This means 1.12 Billion people (and growing) who will be searching for information, products, and opportunities online. It means 1.12 billion people that you can reach by the internet. ......According to Miniwatts Marketing Group we have surpassed this number to 1.244 Billion internet users worldwide in 2007.

Market Reach: If only 0.1% of them want to "escape the rat race", and you offer them the opportunity to, you'll have over 1.12 MILLION potential customers.
Trend #2: The Growth of Home-Based Businesses.
...Home-based business is a $427 Billion a year industry. That's more than the pharmaceutical industry, food industry, and consumer goods industry - combined! How? Because of the sheer numbers of people in business for themselves who are now working from home. The extremely low start-up costs, flexible hours, and the Internet are fueling the growth of the home business segment...
Trend #3: Better Systems Make Internet Businesses Easier to Setup and Run.
With the growth and improvement of technology, business systems are getting better and better at producing turnkey, effective solutions for people to become successful at a faster rate.

Systems are key for business duplication, allowing even those with basic computer skills the ability to achieve success AND MORE IMPORTANTLY, for their recruits to duplicate that success.

Trend #4: The Growth of Network Marketing as a Way to Generate Passive Income.
"If I had to do it all over again, rather than build an old style type of business, I would have started building a Network Marketing business." - Robert T. Kiyosaki, Author of "Rich Dad Poor Dad".

Robert Kiyosaki recognized network marketing as an effective, powerful way to move products and services. Network marketing greatly utilizes LEVERAGE, which is what makes network marketing such an effective business model. People can now make more money in a shorter time, not relying solely on their own efforts. Network Marketing has the BEST leverage power in generating passive income.

Conclusion: The growth of the Internet coupled with powerful network marketing systems allows individuals with even basic skills the ability to acquire financial freedom through an Internet-based home business!

Make the right choice!"

(C) 2005 RadiusEnterprises.com. All Rights Reserved. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jim_Young

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