martes, 26 de febrero de 2008

Fight Global Warming


About Us

Environmental Defense

Environmental Defense, a leading national nonprofit organization, represents more than 500,000 members. Since 1967, Environmental Defense has linked science, economics, law and innovative private-sector partnerships to create breakthrough solutions to the most serious environmental problems. We have a strong history of finding solutions, from our pioneering efforts to eradicate DDT to cutting-edge hybrid truck work with FedEx (see highlights of our work and visit our main Web site).

We've launched this campaign as a wake-up call. Global warming is the most serious environmental challenge of our time. It is more urgent and its dangers are more fundamental than most Americans realize. This campaign seeks to educate Americans about how quickly we must act, and give concrete steps that people can incorporate into their lives to fight global warming.

The Ad Council

Ad Council The Ad Council is a private, non-profit organization with a rich history of marshalling volunteer talent from the advertising and media industries to deliver critical messages to the American public. Having produced literally thousands of public service campaigns addressing the most pressing social issues of the day, the Ad Council has effected, and continues to effect, tremendous positive change by raising awareness, inspiring action and saving lives. To learn more about the Ad Council and its campaigns, visit

The Robertson Foundation

The Robertson Foundation was established in 1996 by Julian H. Robertson, Jr., Chairman of Tiger Management L.L.C., and his wife Josie. The Foundation seeks to make high-impact grants in the following areas: education, environment, religion and medical research.

The Robertson Foundation The Foundation believes that we have an obligation to be responsible stewards for future generations. In that regard, we believe that failure to address global warming imperils future generations by saddling them with lasting and potentially devastating consequences. The Foundation supports this campaign as a way of motivating individuals to take action and create, invest and innovate our way toward solving the global warming challenge. To learn more, visit

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