sábado, 27 de octubre de 2007



Aromatic pillows with herbs.
Ayurveda, the ancient healing indian system
, teaches that three basic forces, the tridoshas (Pitta, Vata and Kapha) exist in everything in the univerce and influence all mental and physical processes. We are born with a particular balance of these doshas. Our body type, temperament, and susceptibility to illness are largely governed by our predominant dosha.

Aromatic Vata pillow (wind) for the persons with predominant Dosha VATA.
Vata has the quality of "wind". Vata people are like the wind. Their moods change quickly, and they often move on to new pursuits before finishing old projects. Generally imaginative, eccentrice, exciting and excitable.
The aromatic Vata pillow is used to give stability, balance and to warm Dosha Vata.

Aromatic Pitta pillow (fire) for the persons with predominant Dosha PITTA.
Pitta has the quality of "fire". Like fire, Pitta people are energetic, dynamic and passionate but destructive when out of control. They are known for their keen intellect, perfectionist tendencies, and sharp anger.

The aromatic Pitta pillow is used to cool down, calm and relax Dosha Pitta.

Aromatic Kapha pillow (water - earth) for the persons with predominant Dosha KAPHA.
Kapha has the quality of "water" and "earth". Kapha people tend to have the most stable and grounded natures of the three dosha types.

The aromatic Kapha pillow is used to invigorate, reawake and stimulate Dosha Kapha.

Tuck your pillow among your bed pillows to inhale scents while sleeping. Knead pillow softly to awaked scent.

Meditation aromatic pillow.
The genuine Himalayan and Tibetan herbs in this pillow are traditionaly used to awake and increase the consciousness and "illumination".
Knead the Meditation pillow softly to awaken the scent and
keep nearly when you meditate.

Aromatic "Passion" pillow
An aphrodisiac blend of sizteen Tibetan and Himalayan herbs to stimulate and arouse both male and female energies. Favour to awake and release the body's inner fire, arouse clarity and joy.
Knead your passion pillow softly to awake the scent.

Tuck the pillow among your bed pillows to inhale scents while in bed.

Aromatic "Dream" pillow
The genuine Himalayan herbs in this pillow enhance awareness and sensitivity, strengthen the body's inner fire while calming nervs.
Tuck pillow among your bed pillows to inhale the scents while in bed.

These pillows will remain pungent for upto 6 months after packing is removed, depending on climate conditions. The zipper locking bag we've provided can be used for storing the pillow when not in use and help prolong the fragrant life of the herbs. Boost with essential oils.
If you wish to clean your pillow cover, remove it and gently hand wash in cool water with a neutral soap. Washing the herb-filled pillow itself will destroy the properties of the herbs.

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